Courses from Experts for Experts

Developed for E&P experts we provide you with online-courses and customized in-person courses at your premises. All courses can be though in groups or as personal coaching.

Based on the classic Earth Processes book by Grotzinger and Jordan, this 5-days course gives a broad introduction into geoscience for non-geoscientist.

This course is regularly thought at the University of Tuebingen for non-major geoscience master students and can be thought on demand.

Tought by our expert on exploration geology this 3-days course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of exploration geology, technologies and value creation by exploration. Beyond the geoscientific basics and technologies, the participants will learn how exploration projects are planned and executed based on realistic regional and asset case studies.

This course will be tough on demand to small groups by an internationally experienced senior exploration expert.

This 3-days course provides an introduction to reservoir sedimentology for non-geoscientist. The courses addresses processes and their relation to the development of reservoir properties.

The course can be booked online and can be though on demand for groups or individully. Look out for course dates in summer 2022.

In this course you will learn on how to build reservoir models using your favorite reservoir modeling tool. The course is available for future Petrel, GOCAD/SKUA or RMS users who will need an introduction into the principles and application of their favorite integrated reservoir software. 

This 3-day introduction treats topics from data loading, interpretation to structural and property modeling. The course ends with the setup of a simple dynamic reservoir model for reservoir simulation.

Understanding the uncertainty of reservoirs is a key for the proper assessment of opportunities during the development and production phase. In this course the participants will be introduced to static and dynamic uncertainty workflows, experimental design, Montecarlo methods, sensitivity analysis and optimization.  
Geostatistics is an elementary part of the reservoir modeling process. Developed since the 70ties geostatistics is available in all standard reservoir modeling softwares. Here you learn about the fundamentals of this technology, its applications and advanced implementations in multipoint geostatistics.

Stratigraphic modeling is a key technology to understand the depositional architecture of sedimentary basins and reservoirs. In this 3-day course you learn about the fundamental methods of stratigraphic modeling software and its application to model clastic and carbonate depositional environments.

GPM the "Geological Process Modeler" is a plugin for Petrel developed by Dan Tetzlaf for Schlumberger. GPM is one of the two truly commercial stratigraphic modeling tools developed for the oil and gas industry.

This 3-day course provides an introduction to seismic interpretation of depositional sequences and seismic stratigraphy. The participants are able to trace stratigraphic sequence boundaries, recognize parasequences, sequence tracts and maximum flooding surfaces. 

This course will be tought by an international recognized expert in the field of seismic interpretation with longterm company and teaching experience.

Seismic velocity modeling is a key technology for time-depth conversion of seismic sections. In this 2-days course the participants obtain knowledge on how to build regional and local seismic velocities based on various sources like stacking velocities, sonic velocities and check-shots. The participants can generate 2D and 3D velocity maps used to populate layer-cake models and are able to build complex 3D models using state-of-the-art modeling tools.